Analysing whether or not the comparison is fair.
Looking bad at the worst season in NFL history.

Sports, Rant
0-4, outscored 147 to 66, dead last in defense in the league. Any chance that these guys can beat anyone this year? Signs point to no.

Rant, Sports
Why the Detroit Lions need to have a historically bad year in order to return to respectability.
My thoughts after (most of) NFL's week 1.
Here are some thoughts on the soon to begin 2008 NFL season.
The blame should lie with William Ford for being not only dumb enough to hire someone so inexperienced (Matt Millen) but also incompetent enough to extend his contract.
Former ref Tim Donaghy drops a bombshell on the NBA reguarding the integrity of the game.
Horse Racing's Triple Crown once again goes unclaimed.
It's hard to care about a game when inside you're hoping for both teams to lose.
PETA makes a big deal about the wrong issue.